Event Listener

To do the exercises below, use the code from the JavaScript section:
myButton.addEventListener(`click`, doSomething)
Change myButton to the variable highlighted in the exercise. Change doSomething to the function highlighted in the exercise. If done right, clicking the thing in question will make a message appear.

Exercise 1 of 6

Add a click event listener to the button. For typing backticks, refer to number 1 in this keyboard diagram.


<button id="greetingButton">Say greeting</button>
<p id="greetingParagraph"></p>


let greetingButton = document.getElementById(`greetingButton`)
let greetingParagraph = document.getElementById(`greetingParagraph`)

// your code will appear here

function sayGreeting() {
  greetingParagraph.innerHTML = `Welcome to the first exercise set`

Your code

Test your code

Exercise 2 of 6

Add a click event listener to the button.


<button id="jokeButton">Tell joke</button>
<p id="jokeParagraph"></p>


let jokeButton = document.getElementById(`jokeButton`)
let jokeParagraph = document.getElementById(`jokeParagraph`)

// your code will appear here

function tellJoke() {
  jokeParagraph.innerHTML = `What do you call 2000 mockingbirds?`

Your code

Test your code

Exercise 3 of 6

Add a click event listener to the button.


<button id="answerButton">Show answer</button>
<p id="answerParagraph"></p>


let answerButton = document.getElementById(`answerButton`)
let answerParagraph = document.getElementById(`answerParagraph`)

// your code will appear here

function showAnswer() {
  answerParagraph.innerHTML = `Two kilo mockingbird`

Your code

Test your code

Exercise 4 of 6

Add a click event listener to the paragraph.


<p id="textParagraph">Click me</p>


let textParagraph = document.getElementById(`textParagraph`)

// your code will appear here

function changeText() {
  textParagraph.innerHTML = `Good job!`

Your code

Test your code

Click me

Exercise 5 of 6

Add a click event listener to the cat.


<img src="/img/cat.png" id="cat">
<p id="catParagraph"></p>


let cat = document.getElementById(`cat`)
let catParagraph = document.getElementById(`catParagraph`)

// your code will appear here

function makeCatSound() {
  catParagraph.innerHTML = `Meow`

Your code

Test your code

Exercise 6 of 6

Add a click event listener to the dog.


<img src="/img/dog.png" id="dog">
<p id="dogParagraph"></p>


let dog = document.getElementById(`dog`)
let dogParagraph = document.getElementById(`dogParagraph`)

// your code will appear here

function makeDogSound() {
  dogParagraph.innerHTML = `Woof`

Your code

Test your code