Computer Basics and Typing

We teach computer basics and typing. Students learn the following basic computer skills:

  1. Basic mouse usage: left click, right click, double click.
  2. What is a browser? How to open a browser.
  3. Different parts of a browser: address bar, back/forward buttons, refresh button.
  4. Difference between typing a web address and typing a search term.
  5. How to do a Google search and scroll through results.
  6. Different parts of a website: navigation bar, content, footer.
  7. What is a browser tab? How to open multiple tabs and switch between them.
  8. How to download an image from Google Images or a webpage.
  9. What is a folder? How to open a folder. How to find the Downloads folder.
  10. How to drag files to different folders.
  11. How to copy, move, rename, and delete files.
  12. What is a file type and file extension?
  13. What is Google Docs? How to create a document.
  14. Basic hotkeys: copy, paste, cut, undo.
  15. How to change font, font size, and font style. How to insert an image.

Students demonstrate their skills by downloading an image, moving it to the desktop, renaming the file, creating a new Google Doc, inserting the image, and deleting the file from the desktop.

Login for Google Docs:
Google Drive:
Username: studentmrcode
Password: mrcode123!

Students learn touch typing at their own pace through online lessons, with individualized instructor guidance.

Login for typing lessons:
Username: first name + first 3 letters of last name
No password