Coding involves logic, and game mechanics are driven by logical rules, so making games is an excellent way to learn coding. Below is a list of 24 game projects in our curriculum that will not only strengthen coding skills, but also make coding fun. The projects range from simple coding to more complex algorithms.
Nim - simple strategy game
Pig - simple dice game
Head Count - simple brain exercise game
Rock Paper Scissors - computer version of rock paper scissors
Fighting Game - turn-based game with animation and sounds
Tic-tac-toe - computer version of tic-tac-toe
Bingo - computer version of bingo
Hangman - computer version of hangman
Lights Out - logic game
Obstruction - strategy game
Simon - brain exercise game
Peg Solitaire - logic game
Video Game - simple video game
Maxit - strategy game
Taxman - logic game
Ultimate Tic-tac-toe - more complex version of tic-tac-toe
Connect Four - computer version of Connect Four
Mastermind - logic game
Video Poker - solitaire poker game
2048 - logic game with animation
Archery - video game using trigonometry and physics
Lunar Lander - video game using trigonometry and physics
Minesweeper - logic game using recursion
Dodgeball - multiplayer game using server-side coding